Jewish Renewal Tu BiShvat ReSources in brief




At NeoHasid, Rabbi David Seidenberg has shared a variety of Tu BiShvat resources. Particularly noteworthy are his Shmita Harachaman, a special blessing for this shmita (Sabbatical) year, and his Tu BiShvat page from which you can download a single zip file containing haggadot, resources, text files, etc.

At Velveteen Rabbi, Rabbi Rachel Barenblat offers a poem for Tu BiShvat called “Taste and see,” and a trio of downloadable haggadot for Tu BiShvat: one for preschoolers, one for elementary schoolers, and one for teens and adults.

At Tel Shemesh, Rabbi Jill Hammer offers a Tu BiShvat seder of the four worlds.

At the Shalom Center, Rabbi Arthur Waskow has shared a variety of Tu BiShvat resources over the years, including a Tu BiShvat prayer for creation from Rabbi Warren Stone and The Trees are Davening: A Tu BiShvat Haggadah.

At Jewish Renewal Hasidus there’s a beautiful teaching from Reb Zalman z”l called Tu BiShvat: Our Gaian Yom Tov.


Do you have other favorite Jewish Renewal resources for Tu BiShvat? Let us know in comments!