Jewish Renewal After Reb Zalman – a talk at Romemu

The Romemu Sparks Series Presents:
Jewish Renewal After Reb Zalman
A Conversation with 
Scholar  Dr. Shaul Magid and Rabbi David Ingber
Thursday, March 31st, 7:00PM
165 West 105th Street
Like all movements founded by unique charismatic figures, Jewish Renewal is moving into a new phase after the passing of its founder R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Where Renewal will go and what it will become will largely be determined by those who identify with its vision and its future. Will it be synagogue-based or will it move beyond the synagogue model? Will it become a denomination or will it create new rubrics for spiritual expression? Will it focus on rabbinic leadership or communal consent? What will be its relationship to law, ritual, experimentation, social justice, spiritual globalization, the non-Jew, politics, Israel? These are some of the fundamental questions Renewal will have to face in the coming decade. We will talk about this and more as Renewal embarks on its newest journey.
To attend, register here.
The event will be livestreamed.
Shaul Magid is the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Professor of Jewish Studies at Indiana University, Kogod senior research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America and presently a research fellow at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the rabbi of the Fire Island Synagogue in Sea View, NY. He is the author most recently of American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society and Hasidim Incarnate: Hasidism, Christianity, and the Making of Modern Judaism