Reb Zalman’s “Psalms in a Translation for Praying” is now available

PsalmsCover.FRONTWe are gratified to announce that Psalms in a Translation for Praying by Reb Zalman, z”l, has now been released in three convenient formats:

  • the beautiful softcover volume,
  • e-books for Kindle, Nook and iBooks, and
  • mp3 files of selected psalms, recorded by Reb Zalman himself.
Psalms were an essential prayer technology for Reb Zalman all his life, and this is the definitive edition of his heart-felt translations for praying in English, developed and refined over decades. Newly edited, punctuated, and formatted for ease of use, the book is a beautiful devotional companion.

Reb Zalman was delighted to daven from a pre-publication copy of this book in the last months of his life. The softcover version was the last of his works published in his lifetime. Poignantly, this is the volume from which Rabbi Marc Soloway so gently read Psalm 23 as our beloved Reb Zalman was laid to rest.

Psycho-spiritually accurate for our age, Reb Zalman’s “Heart Psalms” are gender-balanced and reflect his egalitarian, post-triumphalist, ecumenical, and Gaian approach to spirituality. Although oriented to use in Jewish liturgy, care has been taken to ensure that Christians, Sufis and others can use this volume in prayer with ease. It was Reb Zalman’s fond hope that this book would provide path to healing for people throughout the English-speaking world.

To obtain your copy in the version most convenient to you, use the following links:

We hope that Reb Zalman’s Psalms will become your “Heart Psalms” over time.