Jewish Renewal Omer offerings online

The Omer is the period of 49 days between Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot. Through counting the Omer, we link liberation with revelation. We begin counting the Omer on the eve of the second day of Pesach — this year, on Saturday night, April 4. The first day of the Omer will begin that evening and run through Sunday.

Here are some online Omer happenings across the Jewish Renewal world:

Jewish Renewal Omer offerings

Susan Windle, an alumna of Kol Zimra and also of Rabbi Nadya Gross’ Wisdom School, is offering  an online class during the Omer.  She’s written a book of poems, Through the Gates–A Practice for Counting the Omer, for each day of the Omer which is available in both Kindle and print form. Suggested fee range for her online Omer course is $36-72.

Rabbi T’mimah Ickovitz has the custom of sharing  a daily teaching or inspiration related to the Omer count at Holistic Jew (Facebook), and is sharing new ones this year during the Omer.

Rabbi Goldie Milgram will be offering daily Omer teachings online at

Rabbi Dr. Orna Triguboff will be sending out a daily email during the omer, with kabbalistic insights for daily awareness practice; if you want to be on the list, email

Joy Krauthammer adds writing and art to her site each day of the omer:

In past years, The Huff Post published my daily Omers.

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, “the Velveteen Rabbi,” will be sharing a series of 49 new poems on her blog during the Omer. The poems will draw on kabbalistic (mystical) and Mussar (personal refinement) teachings to deepen and enliven each day’s counting. You can subscribe to her blog by going to Velveteen Rabbi and entering your email address where it says “enter your email address” in the right-hand sidebar of the page. Her collection of Omer poems will see print in late winter of 2016.

Brian Yosef Schachter Brooks is offering an online meditation class, with an in-person Omer component, as a fundraiser for ALEPH. Read all about it: Jewish meditation e-course.

You can find previous years’ Omer offerings, including poems, meditations, books, and apps, in this list of Omer ReSources.

Image source: D’vorah Horn, from her painting Omer 2012.