Affiliate Your Community

North American Aleph Affiliates
North American Aleph Affiliates

An ever-growing number of both denominationally unaffiliated and affiliated (Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist) congregations, communities and havurot are joining ALEPH. ALEPH affiliation brings your community into a network of creativity, support, education, sharing and fellowship. The following application process is designed to determine whether your community and ALEPH are a good fit.

1. Read

Please begin by reading

2. Apply

Next, please closely review the Application for Community Affiliation (Word Document), to make sure you understand what is being asked. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact Executive Director Joe Laur ( before filling it out and writing the detailed narrative section.

When you have completed the application, please email it and any attachments to Joe Laur at the address above.

3. Talk

ALEPH will review your application in detail will contact you for an in-person Skype® or phone conversation. They may also ask to speak with one or more of your spiritual/lay leaders and others who may have an important perspective on your application.

4. Try It Out

Every congregation that successfully applies to join ALEPH is given a one-year provisional membership while we mutually “test-drive” our relationship. During this year, the community receives full membership benefits, but pays half the usual dues.

5. Review

After the provisional year, we will review the relationship together, looking at what worked well, what needs attention, and what we want to accomplish going forward. At that time the community may, by mutual agreement, become a full affiliate of ALEPH.

We warmly welcome your application and look forward to getting to know you even better as part of our growing ALEPH family!