Welcoming Two New Affiliated Jewish Renewal Communities

ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal is proud to announce the affiliation of two new communities — one in California and one in Florida.

Torah Women ShafirThe Eitz Chayim Community in Port Saint Lucie, Florida served by Rabbi Shafir Lobb, had its roots in the Palm Tree “Kallah” in 2014 and is established to foster Jewish Renewal activities in southeast Florida. It joins two other Florida Renewal communities, Temple Adath Or, in Davie and Or Ahavah near Tampa. They are planning on connecting and collaborating with other communities and unaffiliated Jews in the area. To participate in this community or for more information, contact Rabbi Shafir Lobb at rebshafir@earthlink.net.

'Kavanat HaLev -

And across the continent on the Left coast, we  also welcome Kavanat HaLev in Carmel, CA, served by Rabbi Jeff Schulman and Rabbi Leah Novick. Kavanat HaLev formed as a natural outgrowth of a “sister congregation,” Chadeish Yameinu, in Santa Cruz, about 45 minutes from the Monterey Peninsula. Chadeish Yameinu met three Friday’s a month, and residents south on the Monterey Peninsula met informally in their homes on the fourth Friday each month. Upon Rabbi Jeff’s ordination, the group, with the full support of the Chadeish Yameinu leadership, decided to explore the creation of a Jewish Renewal community in their home community. The two congregations currently share High Holy Day davvenen’ and other life cycle and teaching experiences. To participate in this community or for more information, visit their website or contact Rabbi Jeff Schulman at rebjeff@kavanathalev.org.