Rabbi Shohama Wiener Hashpa’ah Scholarship Campaign

With gratitude and profound appreciation, the AOP (ALEPH Ordination Program) VAAD announces that our beloved Rosh Hashpa’ah, Rabbi Shohama Wiener, is retiring in this role.

In honor of her loving service to the VAAD and the AOP as ALEPH’s first Rosh Hashpa’ah, we are creating a Hashpa’ah Scholarship Fund.

Said Rabbi Shohama:

“This work has been the great gift of my life. Hashpa’ah is vital because within every person there is a soul that yearns for expression. Hashpa’ah offers Jewish and other paths to enhance our experience of God—the Sacred, as individuals and as community. These are pursuits that should be vital to the cultivation of spiritual leadership.”

Together we honor R’ Shohama with our commitment to sustaining this holy work. Our contributions will provide needed financial aid for current and future students in ALEPH’s 3-year Hashpa’ah Training Program for Jewish Spiritual Directors.

Your gift will ensure the continuation of this program that she founded, nurtured, and cared about so deeply.

Donate Today!